It’s too bad I won’t be able to host everyone at my house this year, but We are looking forward to a very fun Virtual Oktoberfest evening with lots of good fellowship this coming Thursday! Will Andy Baker wear his lederhosen? Will Chuck Doland wear his?? You have to attend to find out!

Here’s a link to the signup form. Some of us are planning to get together in small groups for the event, per current social distancing rules.

Brewmaster Mark Griffin has brewed and bottled a special Oktoberfest brew again this year. The Bellevue Rotary club will be providing German-style Pretzels. As part of the program, Mark has prepared an interesting, fun, short presentation on the history of Oktoberfest and the beers that go with it.

If you are interested in attending this year’s event, please sign up here. We are asking for a voluntary donation of $25.00 to be directed to the Brewmaster’s sister’s cancer charity: This is not required, but anything you are able to contribute will be appreciated.

You can pick up your beer and German style Pretzels at my office located at 10900 NE 8th Street, Suite 1300, Bellevue, Washington on Wednesday the 28th and Thursday the 29th from 11 to 4. If you are not able pick up your beer and pretzels, we will be happy to deliver the items to your home; please specify this on the form when you sign up.

Jeffrey will send out a link to all participants next week.

Here’s the Schedule for the evening:

5:30: Pre-event social time

6:00: Event starts, tour of back yards, pictures of beers and food, cool outfits or whatever you would like to share with the group

6:10: Home brew Oktoberfest tutorial/beer overview by Brewmaster Mark.

6:30: Breakout groups in Zoom

6:45; Breakout groups in Zoom

7:00: Breakout groups in Zoom

7:15 Event ends

I hope you’ll join me in keeping our Rotary Oktoberfest tradition alive – we’ll have good virtual fellowship this year, and hopefully be back to a good in-person fellowship next year!

Yours in Rotary,
