If you have been wondering what’s been going on in regards to the Black experience in BRC and beyond, and the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Group work, please check out the video links below.
Myke Rousell and Dr Tod “Bowtie” Jenkins are Rotarians and doing great things through Rotary. Each will inform you in a pretty concise way about the kinds of conversations the current Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Group has been working on. There are over 40 BRC members engaging in the enlightening, thoughtful, respectful, and gracious discussions we have weekly on Monday mornings at 10 on the Zoom channel. We break up into small chat rooms to explore all sorts of things. Join us. You will be surprised!
- Opening Session with Myke Rousell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpbtLfShepw&t=6s
- Reports from Breakout sessions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9O5YelJ_N1k
- Closing Remarks by Dr BowTie Todd Jenkins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTKLyaT1UBk
Here is the link to the symposium program where the last four pages include links to related resources: https://www.flipsnack.com/85F7AB99E8C/race-matters-to-rotary-virtual-program.html
The next “Race Matters to Rotary” event will be on Saturday, January 23rd @ 9AM when Jeffrey Robinson will be the guest presenter. Registration details will be on the District 5030 website and in upcoming issues of the District 5030 newsletter and in posts to the Private “Rotarians of District 5030” Facebook Group.
In addition, there is a compelling article “We The People” by Bryon Smith about Xavier Ramey, a speaker at the Toronto RI Convention, in the November Rotary magazine. “Talking about racism is not hard – if you practice. When you don’t, it shows.”