Honey bees first entered Dave’s consciousness in 2010 when he heard a Ballard beekeeper interviewed on the local public radio station.

The plight of honey bees was all over the news. Colonies were collapsing and no one knew why.

Dave eventually met that Ballard beekeeper, took a couple of his beginning beekeeping classes and began working for him helping tend hives.

He also began his own backyard apiary at the same time starting out with two hives. That soon grew to four, then 10, then 20+ and now the number of hives that he manages is pushing 90. Needless to say, honey bees can be addicting.

In addition to managing his 30+ apiaries Dave also teaches beekeeping classes, sells live honey bees to other local beekeepers, does private bee consultations and harvests & sells honey from his hives.