Please mark your calendars for Saturday, September 25th for Bellevue Rotary’s Annual Celebration of Service!  This year’s theme is Around the World, celebrating international cultures, art, music, food and dance.  With the hope of continued vaccine distribution in the coming months, we are optimistic about being able to gather in person to celebrate together, safely.

Lots more to come, but please note the following details:

WHERE:           2030 1ST Ave – Seattle

We’re trying something new this year!  Options for getting there and parking will be provided, and the venue will offer a variety of cool spaces with plenty of room for everyone. Plus, the space is being donated by a club member! Lower event costs mean more money for non-profit organizations doing great things for our community.

WHEN:             Saturday, September 25th in the evening

WHY:                Fellowship, Celebration, and Raising Money for Awesome Non-Profits

WHO:                All of our Members and Invited Guests 

We look forward to celebrating with everyone!

– The Around the World Celebration Committee