Leading up to the event will be a special silent auction of items that you would normally find as the top prizes in our Hearts & Wine games and raffle. You’ll find the auctions on the Bidding for Good system that you may be familiar with from our online auctions. You can preview the auction items now and check back periodically as we add more.

Web: https://www.biddingforgood.com/HarvestAgainstHunger
Mobile: https://bforg.com/HarvestAgainstHunger

The bidding opens on February 8th. There you will also find opportunities to raise the paddle at a level meaningful to you–give a bin of apples or two, a semi-truck load of healthy produce, or more! On the morning of February 19th, the Live Auction items appear that include wine and spirits appear and can only be bid on for one day. Don’t miss out! Joining in the fun by looking and bidding are free; you only pay if you win!

Have something to contribute that would make a great auction item? Contact Lori Church at [email protected]. We appreciate your generosity!